Monday, November 17, 2014


Leftovers of tofu on quinoa salad.


Banana and strawberries in soy milk.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


A bar and soy milk at the end of the day.


Dinner was a modification for the season with kale from Berley's recipe for tofu over quinoa salad.


Lunch is the place for pre-prepared foods for me. Best when they are leftovers. Today I relied on store bought veggie burgers, ketchup, and salad dressing to keep lunch prep under five minutes.

Another Way of Accounting

Years ago I learned the way for me to lose or control my weight is to track what I eat. I did this by entering everything into my handspring visor back in the day. I have gone through periods of entering info into my apple devices but as the novelty has worn off so has the continuity of the tracking. A few weeks back I tried to photo each meal and post as a way of accounting. I found that when I was thinking someone was going to see what I was eating, I made better choices. So I am going to try this again. Breakfast 11/16/2014. Two bananas with raspberries and soy milk. Enjoying.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

I think we can call these Pizza

When the wholewheat flatbreads are well topped, I feel more comfortable calling them pizza. Used white wholewheat flour with just a few tablespoons of regular stoneground thrown in. I started a notebook (the paper type that I will likely store in my bread-maker) for working on the crust refinement. I was out shopping earlier in the day and was frustrated at the lack of wholewheat herbivore pizza. I thought maybe if I prove it can be done well, someone will figure out how to make money selling it.
This one was topped with sautéed spinach, olives, and toasted pine nuts. We also had one with caramelized onions with fresh orange bell pepper and parsley and one with roasted Brussels sprouts over caramelized onions. Both of these were served with a balsamic glaze which tasted great but didn't photograph well.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Apples for Dinner

Looking for a way to use two Granny Smith apples in dinner I came across a recipe in Midwest Living.
Not a source I think of for herbivore cooking but I gave it a try. It worked as indicated and with a little salt tasted just fine. Not sure I would serve it to guests just yet but with a little tweaking it may be a nice herbivore Thanksgivings day side dish.